Experience Jesus.

We are a church that is authentic and wholesome.

Together, we are growing in our understanding of faith, hope, and love.

What to expect when you walk in the door?

A smile, handshake, or hug.

We are casual, friendly, and non judgmental.

Expect to be loved!

Entrance & Facilities

Worship is held in the Sanctuary. You can enter through the fellowship hall (where the drive up awning is located) and then proceed up the stairs or use the elevator. Alternatively, you can enter through the front doors located under the steeple.

Our restrooms are located off of the Fellowship Hall, at the opposite end of the Lending Library and Elevator. There are signs on the walls to help you find your way.

Worship Service

During church, we use the screens at the front of the Sanctuary to help guide worship and to share Bible verses. There are New International Version (NIV) Bibles in the pews if you’d like to follow along or read additional parts of the text.

We are an easy going group of people. Our normal service structure includes a time to say hello to one another, prayer requests, singing, communion, offering, and a sermon. Services normally last about one hour. Communion is served each gathering and is open to all believers, regardless of church membership. Snacks or a light meal are provided after each service.

Ultimately, our time together is designed to point us to Jesus Christ and to equip us to follow in His Way.

We invite you to join us with an open heart and a desire to grow in your faith:

Thursdays at 6:30 PM and Sundays at 10:00 AM

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

— Jesus Christ (Matthew 19:14)

Children’s Ministry programming is provided for Elementary Aged children at all services.

All ages are welcome to join us in adult worship or to participate in our children’s programming.

On Thursdays, children’s church begins at the same time as adult services. However, the children normally join us for prayer and worship on Sundays. Then, we invite the children to exit after Communion and before the sermon begins.